1. Log into your Nventree store and from the Dashboard navigate to Settings > Shipment Management:
2. Once on the Shipment Management section, click Add and select Parcel Force from the list:
3. When the page loads start by filling in the mandatory fields under the Parcel Force Account details:
4. Then specify the Default Delivery options you want to use:
5. Now what’s left is adding the Parcel Force Service Codes that you want to use, by selecting them from the Service list. This will enable the service ready to be mapped, then you can press ‘Add’ to map a Delivery Service with a Service Code, or leave the service code un-mapped in order to use this with the ‘Create Carrier Labels (ad-hoc)’ feature, then last but not least press ‘Create’:
There you go, your Parcel Force account is now connected with Nventree.